Monika Rose, from the Mountain Ranch area of Calaveras County, edits books, writes, and directs literary programs in the Mother Lode, and is founding director and editor of Manzanita Writers Press, a nonprofit, 501(c) 3 literary publisher.
MWP operates out of the Volunteer Center facility in San Andreas, sharing space with the Volunteer Center and the Red Cross. You can reach Director Monika Rose via her email listed under website:
She is on Facebook and Instagram: Monika Rose Author page
Mailing address: PO Box 215, San Andreas, CA.
For appointments about editing and/or publishing your book, contact MWP via email.
Monika’s children’s book, Bed Bumps, is available from the author and from the publisher, Manzanita Writers Press, or from Amazon. Libraries, retailers, and bookstores can order from the publisher or from Ingram.
A new children’s book has just been released, titled, Moths on a Limb. It’s a fable about desire and ambition in the lives of two Luna Moths who venture too far, despite warnings from the elder moth and friends. Grades 3-7. Paperback: 17.50 Purchase Here!
Purchase the Hardcover of Moths on a Limb:
It is also available on Amazon.
Monika’s poetry book, a full 212-page collection of 85 poems, River by the Glass, published by GlenHill Publications, is available for purchase at Amazon and from the Manzanita Writers Press online store. Visit the Manzanita bookstore at for other books, including Bed Bumps, her children’s book. Purchase here In addition, the book is available for download as an eBook at Amazon.
Monika has been published in several regional publications, such asTule Review, Rattlesnake Review, Poetry Now, Mindprint Review, Squaw Valley Review, The Journal, Refrigerate After Opening, Mokehillion Review, Medussa’s Kitchen, Poets Corner Press, Daily Poem, Rattlesnake Review’s Interview Series by B.L. Kennedy, Calaveras Enterprise, Ledger Dispatch, and other publications.
Her poem, “Deer in the Road” appeared on the online publication,, October 3, 2019. Search the archives for it and read other fine work posted up there.
Her poetry appears in Shadows of Light, an anthology of poetry and photography of the Sierra, the Mokehillian Review, and in a lovely Yosemite poetry anthology by Scrub Jay Press, Yosemite Poets.
Find her writing in other publications such as Out of the Fire, an anthology of Butte Fire 2015 writing, Voices of Wisdom (vols. 1-4), Wine, Cheese, and Chocolate, an epicurean collection, Wild Edges, Pieces, and other volumes.
Her editing work includes Mark Twain’s 88 Days in the Mother Lode by James Fletcher, Chance by Ted Laskin, Glenn Wasson’s Too Much to Swallow, and Tales Mark Twain Would Have Loved to Steal, Kevin Arnold’s novel, Sureness of Horses and his poetry collection, Do Not Think Badly of Me, the Irish Clans book series by Stephen Finlay Archer, and many more books in the Manzanita Writers Press bookstore. Judy Creighton’s Cheese Loves Wine was great fun to edit. New books edited are Brenda Cumberlege’s book of autobiographical poetry and prose, Steal Away, and Gary Thomas’ O Yes We Breathe, a collection of poems. Monika has edited Cate Culver’s The Untold History of Sonora Pass & Its People, 1860-1960, and Thomas White’s Soldier by Chance, a Vietnam memoir.
She is working on a CD production of her poetry set to her own piano compositions, engineered with ambient originals by her son, Brennan Rose, of Model A Music, as well as a short story collection, another children’s book, a collection of essays, and a new collection of poetry.
She is currently writing a quirky, semi-humorous thriller, a novel about surveillance, a rancher’s disappearance, and voyeurism in a sleepy Sierra mountain village. She is also working on a historical novel based on WWII war stories set in what is now Poland but was Germany and Prussia. In addition to being Associate Professor of English, Adjunct, at San Joaquin Delta College, her other avocation is freelance manuscript editor.
Interests include raising four dogs and a cat on a small cattle ranch with her artist and rancher husband, playing piano again after the Butte Fire almost took the music out of her, and helping authors find their voice through workshops, support writing groups, conferences, and mentoring.
Contact her via email: or at
Aloha Monika: As the founder/leader of CONNECTIONS, The Auburn Writers Group, I extend an invite to you: Come and gather with my informal group of Senior authors and talk about your writing and your background. If interested in coming and sharing and even signing, please respond for details and I hope you will. Loyce!/Placer Sentinel Columnist
Monika,congratulations on your new book! What a mentor you were to me! I will buy your new book. Hope it is at the Art Council. Miss you and the group I loved so well. Hope to see you on a clear blue day. Sherry